Welcome to The Chris Pine Foundation.
Chris Pine has over 30 years’ experience in creating dentures. Chris has created an international reputation for creating excellent dentures. Now Chris wants the opportunity to give back to the community. The Chris Pine Foundation helps those less fortunate in Auckland have dentures that they otherwise couldn’t afford.
Ivoclar Vivadent, an international dental supply company have pledged to supply top quality materials to the Chris Pine Foundation which will be used in the dentures we make.
2024 applications will open 1st August 2024 and close 15th August. Selections will be made shortly after the closing date and applicants will be chosen.
We hope to make this an annual event.
Chris Pine, DentureTech, Ivoclar Vivadent and staff of DentureTech have pledged their time and expertise to the foundation.
““All Aucklanders should be able to have dentures - it is my pleasure and honour to help as many people as I can through The Chris Pine Foundation to have trust and confidence in themselves and their dentures””